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Real-time stock price
    • A031980PSK HOLDINGS
    • 1,900(3.57%) 55,100
Trading Volume 67,109
Transaction Price 3,669,690,400
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
3,203 55,500
948 55,400
140 55,300
229 55,200
253 55,100
55,000 265
54,900 431
54,800 436
54,700 1,484
54,600 326
4,773 Total 2,942
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
09:24:50 55,000 1,800 55,100 55,000 310
09:24:40 55,000 1,800 55,000 54,900 23
09:24:30 55,100 1,900 55,100 54,900 28
09:24:20 55,100 1,900 55,100 54,900 2,375
09:24:10 55,100 1,900 55,100 55,000 85
09:24:00 55,100 1,900 55,200 55,000 271
09:23:50 55,000 1,800 55,000 54,900 31
09:23:40 55,100 1,900 55,100 55,000 361
09:23:30 55,000 1,800 55,200 55,000 616
09:23:20 55,200 2,000 55,300 55,200 53
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Kiwoomcom Securitie 12,014 MRASDW 11,374
Shinhan Investment C 9,769 NHIS 9,344
Korea Investment S 9,411 Kiwoomcom Securitie 8,841
KB Sec 7,981 Korea Investment S 8,181
MRASDW 7,697 Shinhan Investment C 7,779
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
25/01/21 54,900 1,700 54,000 55,000 53,600 30,238 1,643,207,200
25/01/20 53,200 600 54,500 55,200 52,800 229,760 12,329,367,200
25/01/17 53,800 4,300 50,500 55,500 50,500 678,472 36,442,354,600
25/01/16 49,500 1,100 50,500 51,500 48,600 274,823 13,664,116,350
25/01/15 48,400 100 48,850 49,050 47,750 145,052 7,013,515,950
25/01/14 48,500 1,200 48,000 49,150 46,750 231,008 11,139,273,100
25/01/13 47,300 2,700 49,050 50,000 46,200 427,508 20,458,075,950
25/01/10 50,000 1,250 49,100 52,600 48,950 454,756 23,121,029,050
25/01/09 48,750 400 50,700 50,800 48,400 388,172 19,206,187,100
25/01/08 49,150 2,600 44,800 50,300 44,500 725,306 35,223,588,400